Sunday, August 30, 2009

TT Player

I was using TT player version 5.1 to play songs. But recently donno why it couldnt display all the chinese characters. I didn't have time to update the player until today. tis holiday. Not only finished watching my favourite korean drama but oso can get all my things done. I found the download link at
This is the 5.3 version of TT player. The latest I guess. Maybe most of u know this program and r using it. But to those who hv no idea what is it, u can try it. To me, it's the best media to play songs.
This is how the new skin look like. The previous one was in black in colour. I guess this version allows us to change the skin. But I donno how since I cant read in Chinese. If u know how please do not hesitate to share.
It reli easy to use tis program. Juz drag n drop ur favourite songs to the list of songs. Then double click on the song. It will automatically download the lyrics in juz a few seconds.
Right click or press the shortcut key 'F' so that u can sing songs like karaoke.

It is a program developed by China but it has no problem to display both English and Chinese songs. Enjoy...:)